2015-02-17 Venting | Edmonton Journal

Venting: Anyone with half a brain knows that the Ralph Klein cuts were devastating especially with respect to health care and education

By Edmonton Journal February 17, 2015

On July 12, 2004, Alberta Premier Ralph Klein held up a paid in full sign after announcing that the province’s debt of $3.7-billion has been paid off in full ahead of schedule. Klein made the announcement following his annual Stampede breakfast at the McDougall Centre in Calgary.

Photograph by: Colleen De Neve , Postmedia News, file

So a specialist in pain — who makes his living off of having patients to treat — doesn’t want them to choose to end their lives, regardless of their personal circumstances.

Anyone with half a brain knows that the Ralph Klein cuts were devastating especially with respect to health care and education. Yes his government reduced the bank debt to zero but created an infrastructure debt much larger, which we are still grappling with today.

Just out of curiosity, how many times can someone be arrested and charged with a crime, be granted bail, and then while out, be charged with another crime and the whole process repeats itself? Is there a limit to this insanity or does it just go and on until someone ends up dead?

Out for a walk in a city park I found a rabbit caught in a snare. The rabbit thrashed and panicked at the sight of us and our dog further tightening the wire around its neck. We were able to free it without harm. What a horrible painful death this animal would have endured. Who would do this?

Four-way flashers do not make it legal to park/stop there. They merely tell everyone that you knew it was wrong.

I read a Journal article about Cliff’s Towing and how they had to guess where vehicles were tagged by bylaw. So let’s help them out. If you see that tags are being issued, call Cliff’s immediately. Get these lame brains’ cars towed.

The federal government recently denied charitable tax status for a dying with dignity group. Question, how many of the high-priced tickets to Oilers games in the new arena will be a corporate, tax-deductible expense? Will the federal government once again be pandering to their big business friends?

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