2015-10-19 Travis Vader released on bail following assault charges | Edmonton Journal

Travis Vader released on bail following assault charges

Published on: October 19, 2015 | Last Updated: October 19, 2015 6:41 PM MDT

Travis Vader has been released on bail following assault charges. Supplied / Submitted

Travis Vader has again been released on bail, this time in relation to two alleged domestic assaults in the Barrhead area in April and June.

Court records show Vader was granted bail on the assault charges by a judge in September, but could not be released from custody until he had a residence approved by a bail supervisor.

RCMP spokeswoman Mary Schlosser confirmed Monday afternoon that Vader has now met the residency condition, and was in the process of being released from the Edmonton Remand Centre. She said RCMP would not be releasing any other information about the case.

It is the fourth time Vader has been released on bail since December.

Vader became a well-known figure in Alberta after he was identified as a suspect in the high-profile disappearance and deaths of St. Albert couple Lyle and Marie McCann, who vanished while en route to meet family in BC in July 2010.

The couple, aged 78 and 77, were last seen filling up their motorhome with gas in St. Albert on July 3, 2010. Court documents allege they were killed near the town of Peers, "on or about" the day they were last seen.

Their remains have never been found.

RCMP publicly identified Vader as a suspect in the McCanns’ murders within weeks in the summer of 2010, and he was charged with two counts of first-degree murder in their deaths nearly two years later, in April 2012. The charges were then stayed in March 2014, in a surprise move shortly before the trial was set to begin. The charges were recommenced in December , and the case is currently set for trial in the spring of 2016.

Since his release on bail on the murder charges in December 2014, Vader has faced a number of other charges, including for an alleged assault on his mother’s boyfriend, dangerous driving, and breaches of bail conditions. The most recent charges allege a domestic assault in April and one in June, both against the same woman in Barrhead, about 120 kilometres northwest of Edmonton. Vader had been in custody since his arrest on June 13.

Alberta Justice spokeswoman Michelle Davio said Vader’s conditions including not to having any contact with the woman named as the victim of the alleged assaults.

Vader has alleged ongoing harassment and abuse of process by RCMP and justice officials. He has filed a lawsuit alleging malicious prosecution and mistreatment by police, justice and people in the correctional system.




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