2014-12-12 Hop on the Christmas Carol Bus | St. Albert Leader

Hop on the Christmas Carol Bus

December 12, 2014 by

In 2005, Gary Willits had an idea for spreading a little more holiday cheer around his neighbourhood. He remembered one Christmas when he was young, getting onto a fully decorated bus and driving around singing Christmas carols. He brought up the idea to his wife, Holley, who agreed that it sounded like a lot of fun and got right to work booking a bus and gathering friends and family to join them, driving around to sing for neighbours.

Nine years later, the Willits’ annual tradition is still going strong. Around 50 people show up each year to fill the bus and drive around northern St. Albert. But as the annual tradition has evolved, so has who the bus targets with that extra bit of holiday cheer.

St. Albert Leader

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"We started getting requests to stop off at certain people’s houses—those having a bit of a tougher holiday," says Willits. "All through word of mouth, we find out about people who are struggling, and we try to just brighten their day a bit."

Even though they map out the specific houses they need to stop by each year, says Willits, they also try to stop at a few random houses each year. They look for houses that are decorated brightly for the holidays or even for houses where they see a lot of people inside. And, each year, Willits is reminded of how much this small gesture affects the people in his neighbourhood.

"One year we stopped at a house with a lot of people, we started signing, and everyone came out—we could see a few people crying," Willits recalls. "A few months later, a letter appeared in a newspaper from the family. They wrote how the family was new to Canada from the UK and they were really having a tough Christmas. The letter expressed how much that anonymous gesture meant to them."

Willits says he always finds people’s reactions to the bus full of carollers interesting. Most show their appreciation and many offer them money, which they always refuse.

"We do this because we just want to say Merry Christmas," says Willits. "We want to remind them of the true meaning of Christmas and spread that around."

The Willits family only get the bus for one night a year—this year it’s booked for December 20. Willits says he already has his route planned out and he’ll stick to St. Albert’s northern neighbourhoods. In previous years, he says, the bus has been out in -25 degree weather. No matter how cold the day, the Christmas carol bus will be on the road.

"We don’t rehearse, so I just hope it sounds good," Willits jokes. "We just hope people enjoy it and keep an eye out for that magic holiday bus."




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