2016-09-10 Friday's letters: New arena a milestone moment | Edmonton Journal

Friday's letters: New arena a milestone moment

Published on: September 12, 2016 | Last Updated: September 12, 2016 2:47 PM MDT
Thousands flocked to the Rogers Place public open house on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2016 to see the public areas of Edmonton's newest arena.

Thousands flocked to the Rogers Place public open house on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2016 to see the public areas of Edmonton's newest arena. Larry Wong / Postmedia

With the opening of Rogers Place this weekend, Edmonton can turn the page as it marks a milestone.

The Ice District has erased Edmonton’s reputation as a risk-averse city. Edmonton had a downtown airport that should have been closed in the 1960s. Edmonton’s downtown had height restrictions, leading to stagnation. Rogers Place and the Ice District has helped turn the page.

Edmonton has some new challenges as it moves ahead. Given the increased numbers of residents and visitors downtown, there will be increased transportation demands, including a growing share of cyclists and public transportation. The LRT and transit must strive for efficiency as the system expands, and issues related to Edmonton’s cycling paths must be addressed.

Even with the challenges in the economy, Edmonton’s downtown will be a driver of economic growth for our city.  Let’s plan ahead for this.

Rhys Davies, Sherwood Park

Tackling the deficit in a prudent way

Re. "Worst possible time to be going on pub-crawl," Paige MacPherson, Sept. 6

I read with interest a recent column from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

Unfortunately, what the author fails to recognize is the thoughtful and necessary action our government has already taken to control government spending, while ensuring Alberta families are still able to access the programs and services they need, at a time they need it the most.

Even though oil prices have collapsed, Alberta parents still need to send their children to school, with a teacher in their classroom. Alberta seniors still need to access affordable long-term care so they can continue to live with dignity, and Alberta families will continue to need nurses and doctors to care for them when they fall ill.

Some argue that we should cut as deeply as possible to balance the budget as quickly as possible. But that approach will only make a tough economy worse for Alberta families.

Instead, we will carefully keep government spending below the rate of inflation plus population growth, so that while we continue to provide the necessary services Albertans rely on, we are dialing down the deficit in a prudent and responsible way.

Joe Ceci, Alberta finance minister

Beer policies well crafted

Re. "Worst possible time to be going on pub-crawl," Paige MacPherson, Sept. 6

The Alberta Small Brewers Association finds it unfortunate that in their attempt to discredit the Government of Alberta, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation continues to cherry pick facts and insult the efforts of Alberta entrepreneurs.

Because of previous government policy, Alberta has been missing out on food processing and tourism jobs that we so desperately need right now. Since taking office, the current government has moved decisively to put in place a framework that stimulates industry growth, while leaving our consumers with an open market, fair prices and by far the best choice of beer in the country.

It is an insult to call Minister Joe Ceci’s provincewide brewery tour a "pub-crawl." Breweries require millions of dollars of investment, hard work and an intense dedication to the craft.

Will growing this sector solve all of our problems? Of course not. But to the hundreds of Albertans who do (and will) make a living in this industry, this finally feels like progress.

Terry Rock, executive director, Alberta Small Brewers Association

A bouquet for city flower displays

Kudos to those folks with the city that prepare and put on display those beautiful flowers pots. They add a lovely dose of colour to Edmonton’s streets.

Brickbats to those folks who are in charge of arboreal health in the city. There are hundreds of ugly, black, dead trees that definitely diminish the overall look of the otherwise gorgeous river valley. 

R.D. Cook, Edmonton

Same old advice a wasted opportunity

More carnage on the roads, more lame drivel from the RCMP to "slow down." (The Edmonton Police Service is just as guilty). 

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing time after time and expect different results. The same "advice" has been offered for at least 40 or 50 years — it doesn’t work. It’s a waste of time and a sad waste of opportunity to connect with drivers.  

So what do drivers need to do differently? Here’s some free advice from a retired occupational safety professional: drive in accordance to the conditions, such as rain, fog, unfamiliar roadways, loaded vehicle; do as much as you can to eliminate driver distractions; slow down in congested areas; do a personal check before getting in your vehicle; if you’re fatigued don’t drive.

We share the road with drivers of many different abilities, remember that. 

 John Boerefyn, Edmonton

Access to information an endless waiting game

Re. "Alberta Justice probed over slow FOIP responses," Sept. 7 

I believe that the freedom of information process in Alberta has become significantly dysfunctional.

In April 2013 I made a FOIP application. After several months of failing to get a full and complete response to my request I then filed a request for review with the privacy commissioner’s office in July 2015.  I received a response from the commissioner’s office. 

That is the last I heard so I followed up with a phone call six weeks later and was assured the review was in process.  I have not heard a word from anyone since.

Sharon Maclise, Edmonton

Your take

An Alberta judge will decide Tuesday whether he will allow Edmonton news outlets to live-stream his verdict in the Travis Vader murder trial. Columnist Paula Simons argued it is in the public interest to do so. Here is some reaction to her column via Facebook.

I so wish we could have cameras in court rooms so the public could hear the entire case. Welcome to the 21st century Alberta/Canada.

Donna Stephenson

What if you were innocent? Would you want everyone watching? Why does everything need to be filmed — let’s let the law handle the law.

David Uchman

I think it’s a great question to ask (i.e. why more court proceeding are not broadcast) but not sure it’s the best move to bring it up at this point in an important trial. 

Steve Ricketts

Court records can be easily obtained but I prefer to hear the verdict directly from the judge. I don’t require the interpretation by the media or (lawyer) Brian Beresh a few minutes later. What is the court system hiding from the public to disallow cameras?

Dianne Slade

Let’s, for a moment, close our eyes and imagine a different case. Would we be wanting to hear and see the details? Trials are not movies. They are real life. Ask yourself this: Are you wanting to hear only the verdict? Do you want to hear the finger-pointing criticisms? What is served by watching and hearing the verdict?

Joan Wood

There are adequate opportunities to the public to be fully informed of the verdict. This is nothing more than struggling media corporations trying to open the door for cheap unscripted entertainment. No thank you.

Douglas Culbert


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