2016-04-12 Accused killer Travis Vader faces bail review after being late four times for Edmonton trial | Edmonton Journal

Accused killer Travis Vader faces bail review after being late four times for Edmonton trial

Tony Blais, Edmonton Journal  04.12.2016 |

EDMONTON, ALBERTA: JANUARY 26, 2016 - Travis Vader leaves the Edmonton courthouse on January 26, 2016 after he failed in his abuse of process application. Vader is alleged to have killed St. Albert, Alberta seniors Lyle and Marie McCann in the summer of 2010. His trial will commence on March 8, 2016. (PHOTO BY LARRY WONG/EDMONTON JOURNAL)

Larry Wong / Edmonton Journal

Accused killer Travis Vader remains free on bail after a review of his release arrangements was adjourned to Friday.

A publication ban was imposed on details of the 25-minute hearing Wednesday, held after Vader was late for court for the fourth time.

The judge in his first-degree murder trial Wednesday ordered a review of Vader’s bail status by a different judge.

Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Denny Thomas had also issued an arrest warrant Wednesday when Vader was not in court when the trial was set to get underway about 9:30 a.m.

However, Thomas cancelled the warrant when Vader showed up a short time later.

Defence lawyer Brian Beresh told court his client was late because someone had borrowed Vader’s vehicle and had not returned it.

Last week, Thomas gave Vader a stern warning when he was tardy for court for the third time. Vader apologized for being about 30 minutes late, saying he "slept in" after his alarm did not go off.

He also told the judge he was being evicted from the Edmonton motel he stays at during the week because the owners were upset over the police repeatedly contacting them.

Thomas noted then that Vader had been late several times and had provided explanations, but said people were being inconvenienced.

"I’m warning you to not let it happen again," Thomas said.

"Yes, sir," Vader said.

Before that, Vader was twice late to court because of vehicle problems.

Vader, 44, is charged in connection with the 2010 disappearance of Lyle McCann, 78, and his 77-year-old wife Marie.

The couple was last seen July 3, 2010, leaving a Superstore in St. Albert. Two days later, their motorhome was found ablaze and abandoned at a campground by Minnow Lake, near Edson.

The Hyundai SUV they were towing was found in the woods on a rural property just off of Highway 16 east of Edson on July 16, 2010.

Court heard police found blood spatter from the McCanns on items in the SUV, as well as Vader’s DNA, blood and fingerprints.


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Accused killer Travis Vader faces bail review after being late four times for Edmonton trial