2015-12-03 Vader hearing has restored his faith, says son of St. Albert murder victims | CBC News
Published by Bretton McCann,
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When the son says he understands that because of the complexity of the case, there were some mistakes made, I would tend to accept his view and acceptance that the trial should go ahead.

Is it not a coincidence that we have this meeting taking place to have people sympathize with the crown and let the individual stay imprisoned?
I thing it is wonderfully timed. I hope the real criminals get penalized here

Stupid like your comment?

I'm not sure you will ever see justice. This case it just FU.

The only real justice would be to force Mr. Vader to star in 3 very mediocre science fantasy movies and end with him burning to a crisp on a lava flow.

The son is a bereaved man grasping at the straws offered to him to try to comprehend the disappearance of his beloved parents... that does not mean that those straws have any basis in fact. If they did the case would have already gone to trial.
Delay delay delay has done nothing to advance it.
Repeatedly incarcerating and charging Vader on other issues has resulted in a bunch more charges thrown out by judges as completely unsubstantiated.
This is a mess.
I feel sorry for Mr. McCann. But not...
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The important thing here is that a fair trial proceed if there is sufficient evidence. No one can disagree that a trial should be fair. If the evidence were flimsy, I doubt the Crown would remain so dogged in prosecuting this case.
It is regrettable how this has dragged on though, and still no trace of the missing McCanns. What it must be like for the family...
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